
Let's not forget the perhaps-even-more-infamous bomb, Heil Honey, I'm Home! featuring Hitler, Eva Braun and their Jewish neighbors, the Goldensteins.

"I'm sorry, are you being sarcastic? Canadians have a hard time recognizing it because we don't have a big Jewish population." - Danny, 30 Rock

I'm surprised Quorthon hasn't copywrited it from beyond the grave.

Kississippi is kind of blowing up a little, at least in the Philly/PA area. I find them to be boring indie pop, but I'm generally regarded as a crank.

Isn't Cerebral Ballzy on the same label as fellow-terrible-name-haver Juiceboxxx?

So… a John Zorn cover band?

Hm, this has officially reached Poe's Law status, and I'm convinced you are probably a troll from Breitbart. Or somewhere.

Ah yes, condescending snark. The calling card of the hipster The A.V. Club.

In fairness, TSO is garbage, but it's not like this critique is either incisive or conclusive. Hatred of TSO is something that must be learned by the individual, not taught by an annoying video.

It appears as though you're using hipster to apply to everyone who doesn't agree with you. Because black coffee is delicious and liking it means functionally nothing about the person other than they don't necessarily like things overly sweet or the slightly curdly tang of creamer.

In fairness, I'd give it a solid B, too. However, because unlike the original trilogy it is aping, the people in charge know it's going to have three movies unless the world ends, so it's hard to give the movie a grade without having seen the others.

The Cairdeas? My one friend has a bottle of that at his office. Needless to say he works at a tech company.

Not sure if I agree with your Sacred Bones diss, but, in fairness, I now have a pretty good guess as to what Pop. 1280 sounds like…

If it has powerviolence in the name, the songs are probably a minute and a half long at the very most.

XPN? It's XPN and Kississippi isn't it.

The Quietus is the generally the best music publication around.

Not all of the bands/performers are sad. Some are actually reasonably famous, somehow. Your Old Droog, for instance, is a pretty great rapper (who everyone thought was Nas last year).

Times New Viking is an absolutely awesome band name.

I once stumbled onto klezmer-core, proving definitely that, yes, you are correct.

Wizard Rifle is a somewhat rad metal band.