
The storyline itself was probably the most forgettable part of that show. I mean, from a plotting perspective, it's not exactly Shakespeare, but it's funny enough, and the joke is so clearly about how absurd the situation is not "Oh, Amerindian cultures suck."

Yeah. I was just a few days late for buying the first pressing of the LP, which is now going for like $50 on discogs (or something ridiculous). There's a second pressing that I'm scheming on, but I'm trying to support my local store this holiday season.

I've been rewatching the Mr. Plinkett reviews precisely because I'm almost positive that I am going to be one of those people who complain about the originality, and I'm trying to preemptively fight against that.

Have you heard The Coneheads? They released their awesome L.P.1 (full title: L​.​P​.​1. aka "14 Year Old High School PC​-​Fascist Hype Lords Rip Off Devo for the Sake of Extorting $​$​$ from Helpless Impressionable Midwestern Internet Peoplepunks L​.​P​.​") earlier this year on some German label that I'd never heard

'Ey, another Ausmuteants fan!

In fairness, I was never part of the "good enough" crowd. Because I am anemic to joy.

I don't think it would be that hard to have some breakdown in genres. I'd even accept shorter lists for a more diverse set of lists (top 5 of multiple genres). And yeah, you should also check out Daniel Higgs' new album, VIV, if you're into minimalism and experimental music.

Personally, I wanted a bit more diversity, genre-wise. Vattnet Viskar, Liturgy, and Pinkish Black all put out some of the strongest albums of the year. Just because they're a bit more metal than seems to be popular on this site doesn't mean that they should be ignored. I mean, as much as I disagree with Pitchfork's

Needs more snapping. *snap* *snap*

I'm more of a defender of it than most people, but… yeah… the less said about James playing the guitar the better.

New York is one of Kenneth's TV no-no words.

If The Simpsons can show the penis of Michelangelo's David, we can have Renaissance boobies dammit.

If it worked for Harold Bloom, it can work for us!

It was like Tarkovsky made a tv show! Awesome, in other words.

I voted Big Bang Theory. Mostly to uphold my tradition of voting for the Big Bang Theory.

The front half was awesome. Except for when they had to blur out the Renaissance art. Yes, because in a show where you have a graphic sequence of someone cutting someone else's head open with a buzz saw, Renaissance boobies are a no-go.

I actually found very little wrong with this season of Hannibal. Arguably, it was the second strongest of the three.

It's a miracle we saw anything like Hannibal to begin with.

* disagrees vehemently with the music list, but nods along with the movie and tv list *
Y'all are okay. [shifty eyes]

You forgot participating in pun threads and mindlessly quoting the Simpsons, the two greatest AV Club activities there are. (I love you all.)