
Oh, if you like Moon Duo, I'm going to throw in a recommendation for Eternal Tapestry. Man are they uneven, but when they're on, they're really on.

That implies that the writers on Pitchfork have read Adorno, which is a positive quality that I am not ready to assign to them.

I'm of the conviction that everyone likes Miles. Who doesn't love Miles? There's a Miles album for everyone.

I mean, I loathe all of those "artists"/walking ATMs, but even I have to admit that they are far, far better than the horrible, tinny pop that inexplicably ruled the charts in the early '00's.

Eagulls had a great self-titled release last year. I quite like Fleece's release Scavenger this year, as well as Vundabar's Gawk (one of my favorite albums of the year). If you were reticent about The Men, I feel fairly iffy about this next recommendation, but Destruction Unit is great. AXIS:SOVA's Early Surf is a

Eh, it made me devolve into a flesh-tube of rage, but diff'rent strokes.

DS9 is basically the high water mark for action in Trek.

I think if you don't hate most music, your standards are too low. God, it's like you people haven't even read Adorno.

Depends on the set, to be honest.

Though I have to say that we should credit Falco with the creation of one of the greatest German words: Funkverständnis, which roughly translates to "grasp of funk."

Amadeus Undead is coming out next Friday?! That'll have tracks from "Vienna's Cemetery Calling" to the title track to even "Der Kommissar (des Friedhofs)."

Setting aside the underground, which usually has a good roster of players throughout (for the early '00's, you had Def Jux, really good doom metal, and the two best Decemberists albums [some, i.e. me, might say the only two good Decemberists albums, but that's besides the point]), sadly, I suppose we can say that the

"When you get into one of these groups, there's only a couple of ways out. One is death; the other is mental institution."
Now this is all I want in the world.

Does it, though? If it bombs, female-driven action-comedies would become anathema to studio execs. If it succeeds, notoriously "if it ain't broke don't fix it" studio execs will see the potential for more female roles… in reboots. I suppose maybe it will eventually bring more opportunities, but I still maintain that a

In a perfect world, scripts would be reviewed double-blind, just like academic papers in (most good) journals. And they should be. However, as it stands now, so much of it depends on who you know, and who you know can be very dependent on what you are.
But even then, the people double-blind reviewing the scripts would

Well, yeah, I don't like Paul Feig, Melissa McCarthy, or Leslie Jones. So that's not helping matters.
But the fact that it is a naked cash grab is, I would assert, 100% a good reason to not like it. Imagine if Paul Feig and this same cast were going to make a completely new and original ghost-busting based

Throw some quotes in by Judith Butler to pad it out, and you'll be fine.

I completely agree with that, and you'd have to be pretty far removed from reality to not see that there's a stupidly large gender imbalance in film/tv. My issue isn't their gender - it's the fact that this seems like a pointless reboot designed to be a cash machine. Personally, I'd rather see any or all of the

Oh, I agree. Knocking this movie because it has female leads is completely stupid. Knocking it because it seems a largely cynical cash grab is another. There's no reason that this exact same group of actresses couldn't be teamed up together in, oh say, an original movie - even keeping their characters' same basic

Wait, so Jeremy Renner is not going to be playing Roc Marciano, the rapper? Dammit.