
We'll just rewatch TNG again. We'll always have TNG.

The entire way they've handled the casting basically appears to be a stunt. Believe me, I'd love to see Kate McKinnon play an Egon-esque character. I want to see that right now. In a bunch of movies and tv shows. But, aside from the fact that Ghostbusters doesn't need a reboot in the first place (and, hell, even

I think we can be bored or disinterested. If a non-misogynist desires to be critical, though, he or she must submit the requisite forms, as well as a 5 paragraph essay detailing how the criticism is unrelated to the gender of the leads.

But… Sam would never betray us like that.

I'm going to need verification on that.

So this certainly still a thing that's happening. Currently, my love for Kate McKinnon and my utter hatred for all things Melissa McCarthy are doing battle in my head to see if I will actually see this.

Really? I though all Trekkies had given entirely up on the movies and had moved all our remaining stores of hope to Cargo Bay 2 (a.k.a. the television series).

Let the circle jerk begin!

"Indy" is never correct. It is always "Indie." Spelling it with a "y" just seems… wrong.

It basically goes from "somewhat charming, somewhat dark, somewhat funny" to "oh god, why is my soul burning? I need to call my mom."

Yeah, I didn't watch it precisely because of that review. Then I started watching and, almost immediately, began to think, "Whoever wrote that isn't wrong, but they're also full of shit."

Please, you know we have years of this coming up. Years! [AV Club staffwriters wring their hands with greed]

Yep, I can fap to this comment.

"What really matters is what you like, not what you are like." Liking things is fine. Just don't like the wrong things, you fucking knuckle-dragging plebeians. You might die alone, oh you treasured brave few with good taste, but know in your heart that you were right, and they were wrong.

Well, it's to be expected. Jawas are a native of Tatooine Jakku, which has been heavily featured in the trailers.

Did the Yugo get 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene?

"Even for a dog, you are a dog." - 30 Rock

[BikeKike wakes up at 10:00 p.m. tomorrow night after having watched all of Fargo, season 1 & 2 in a delirious binge, sad like the rest of us that it's over until 2017.]

Fargo's still about 3 years shy, discounting any one-offs.

Nope, it's been airing, and, unless they get an extra final episode (bringing the season total up to 7, as opposed to the normal 6), which is possible (and I haven't actually bothered to check), the season and series proper ends tomorrow. Without spoiling anything, my favorite moment so far has been Mark doing cocaine