
Museums and good bookstores are curated. Listicles (ugh) are thrown at a webpage with all the accuracy and care of the feces thrown by that one monkey at the zoo.

I'll concede that this is a "Great Job, Internet!" but it is also an "Oh God Why, World!"

Allegedly, but not really. Nor is the Nobel, if that's helpful. I've always been attracted to the "smaller" awards, which are generally run by nerdy, bookish folks, as opposed to the big prizes, which usually play it broad. The Whiting Awards, the Man Booker Prize, the Thomas-Mann-Preis - they're all better than the

Yeah, the parts of Infinite Jest I have read (full disclosure, I have not read the entire thing, and probably will continue not reading it unless someone can come up with a damn good reason), along with several of DFW's essays, and it's all convinced me that he's really just a platitudinous Pynchon knockoff, a

Man is that just the best book. It is really, truly a perfect novel. Sure, Mason & Dixon may be a "better" novel, technically, it's hard to beat that oneiric rush of GR. Weirdly enough, it is absolutely a page-turner.

Only the last third? I'd say, aside from all of it, anything that happens at "The White Visitation" is also bizarre, as well as the entire sequence at the Casino Hermann Goering.

I've been meaning to read or watch The Postman Always Rings Twice ever since Pynchon referenced it in Inherent Vice.

Did For Whom The Bell Tolls this year. I definitely did not like his prose as much as high school-era fivefingeredleowong did, but it still crackled right along, as Hemingway novels always do.


They were meant to be toilet paper for the upper class, a distraction for the middle class, and, ironically, toilet paper for the underclass.

Much like the best albums of 2015 list. Man, they really seemed to phone it in this year. Oh well, it's not like I actually care about what they say; the most interesting part of the year end lists is the comments.

"L'art pour l'art" is brilliantly unintentional propaganda, at that.

Uh… can I also have your number? A, uh, friend wants it. [sweats profusely]

If he becomes gaunt (goes on a Bowie-in-Berlin diet, perhaps?), then I'd be even happier. But as it stands, this seems like a good fit.

Aw, this just makes me miss the Statler & Waldorf gimmick account.

"The clear beverage craze gave us all a reason to live."

Your favorite pornstar: now with the voice of America's first black president!

They understand that a cull is necessary for our survival.

"Im Grunde ist ja nur der moralischen Gott überwunden."/"At the most basic level, only the moral God is scarred over." - Nietzsche, tired of his quote being misapplied all the time

"Why would they cancel Law & Order? It was a tent pole. A tent pole!" - Tracy Morgan