
Better check the Manitor.

Yes, but maybe we can use this technology to digitally replace the horrible things that Trump says with, let's say, the voice of the Dalai Lama. Or Moe Szyslak, whose "no immigants" policy puts him far to the left of Trump.

It's less "edgy" and more "soul-crippling."

Regardless of whether or not you like the show, Doctor Who always wins for tiring dead character shenanigans. Dead character shenanigans are like 50% of the stories since 2005!

Speaking from experience, I think any fan of Pynchon is probably up for a wacky space adventure. We tend not to be "deadly serious" literary types. Well, except for Harold Bloom.

I realized I had hit adulthood when I started drinking heavily at 8, so I could be in bed before midnight. And, y'know what, that was a great choice.

They definitely have "best themed website design" clinched!

And they were way better/way more diverse than their absurdly milquetoast 15 Best Albums.

Broadway musicals.

"Pfft, democracy? That ain't gonna work because you guys get really emotional about everything. You'll start arguing about shit and nothing will get done." - Frank Reynolds

Yes, that spot clearly belongs to Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow!

It basically turned into a whole season of place-setting in the absence of an actual plot. I'm sure Jean-Baptiste could have spiced it up, but not enough to actually, y'know, change that fact.

Lil Bub, an internet cat celebrity, was featured alongside Snoop Dogg on an extremely political Run The Jewels album made up entirely of cat-themed remixes, the proceeds of which were donated to victims of racially motivated police shootings.

You're right, it should have read "best known as the band beloved by the insufferable stoner jocks in high school."

Wait, but I thought it was hip to like Rush now. I think people got into them ironically after watching Trailer Park Boys.

You get an upvote for your courage. God bless you, sir.

My top 10, in no particular order:

In no particular order:

"one of"
Don't lie. It was the best.

"Meesa done engineered da midichlorian count of yousa whooooole bombad family." Thus, the great migration of Star Wars fans out of the theatre began.