
The French "r" is essentially some weird noise you make with the back of your throat while your tongue does nothing except awkwardly sit in your mouth.

Hey, I mean… the Saracens were asking for it the way they dressed.

The Further Adventures of Cocaine

Sorry, sir, they only accept quatloos or gold-pressed latinum.

That's really exciting. You tell those Austrian school schmucks and Friedman worshippers where to shove it!

I really love the Andre Bratten album that came out recently. And M. Geddes Gengras, the modular synth wizard, put out a "dance" album under the name of his alter ego, Personable. It's been on repeat for me for the past month. Jan St. Werner's Miscontinuum is a left-field electronic radio-play-esque album. Strategy's N

Congrats! What was the topic?

No Weedeater?!

Eh, some people like minimalism/drone, some don't. It depends on how it makes you feel. Sunn O))) in headphones that let you feel every subtle shift? Glorious. Like, it's almost more about the experience than simple consumption. Of course, none of that matters if you just can't get into it.

It's like a Rusty Venture.

I haven't had sex in months, but the chances of me getting arrested for drug crimes or shot by the police are at an all time low. And society never questions my worth based on my skin-color. So, y'know, I think it evens out.

Or just Jesus weeping.

When the Abbott and Costello Cinematic Universe crosses over with the Monster Cinematic Universe. Duh.

It was an emotional roller coaster for everyone.

sitcom applause line

"In the end, it was not guns and bombs that defeated the aliens, but that humblest of all God's creatures, the Tyrannosaurus Rex."

I definitely agree. Walker's been doing the crazy crooner thing for decades now (basically taking the Jacques Brel template and mixing it with the 20th century avant-garde). Bowie's been drawing comparisons to Scott Walker for much of his career, but it's become especially salient on Bowie's recent releases.

I like this album, but this was purple prose, pure and simple.

I dunno. If you had a room designed and decorated by the Memphis Group specifically for the purpose of housing the painting, it'd probably be pretty cool.

Malevich? More like Mal-evich. Because "mal" is Latin for "bad." Get it? I'll show myself out.