
**somebody's dad when they heard Wagner in 1845**

No, but Bish Bosh was a Scott Walker solo album. Soused was the album they did with Sunn O))), so I was confused. Both are great albums, though!

Poe's law?

Hey, we're metal heads and we like to fight. Mostly with each other about subgenre classifications. But also for the legitimization of our preferred method of rocking out.

Eh, the "mainstream press" (i.e. Pitchfork, et al) has been getting into metal of late, with Deafheaven and Pallbearer pretty much leading the charge. There's always been some coverage of metal, but it's mostly been Metallica and the bigger, poppier bands. The subgenres of doom and black metal have definitely been

3.99, comparatively, is not that much, and I want to support UCB. But, really, it depends on what old content will be available for streaming.

It's all the coal dust he's been inhaling. We've been too naughty, and it's killing him!

The A.V. Club

No, the Music Appreciation Police will be at your location in minutes.

Yeah, they definitely dipped into the "recycled riff" pile for this one. It's still enjoyable, but they're just playing it so safe with this release. But I quite enjoyed Soused last year, more than most people as it turns out.

I mean, the actual point is to stretch music to its limit. There are melodies, it's just that they are glacially slow. I mean, the direct progenitor to Sunn O))) is definitely Earth's album Earth 2, which took La Monte Young's approach to minimalism (just intonation, drone, raga, and, perhaps most importantly,

There are Soul Asylum fans?

The introduction to D + R is pretty great, but, yeah, Deleuze is… difficult.

Hmmm… it seems like you're looking for a Difference And ending up with Repetition.

At this point, Hawley could set Fargo season three on Enceladus in the year 3000, and I'd be perfectly okay with that.

Set phasers to love me!

Of all the things that didn't need a reboot, Roots has to be in the top 10, at least.

Given that this is a Simpsons reference from beyond season 9, you get a pass for not registering it.

Sadly, Trump is not the craziest person running. He's a demagogue, not an ideologue. Carson is the craziest person. Although, I will concede that they have equally insane supporters.

How dare you talk about Carly Fiorina like that!