
"Why does not Trump, the largest of the candidates, simply eat the other 12?"

Gerolsteiner if you have it. Fiji is fine. Voss? Fuck, just let me die.

They should call it New Kids On The Blecch. Oh. Wait.

* Kwyjibo

Ha, 19th century zing.

"Vice died on the way to Disney."



Almost as if there was a war between what was once a civil and amicable team. A civil war, perhaps.

Pffft, nerds.

Or '70's/'80's pop music, for that matter.

Psh, whatever, it's not going to last long once the Jötunn come a'knockin'.

That cocaine isn't going to buy itself.

Psh, get on your wax cylinder game.

I've got a few of the Okeh shellac 78's from the '40's and '50's. They're mostly beat to hell and sound like crap, but they're still cool.

Just Samurai Jackin' it. On the telephone.

So, we're not getting the movie that's been bandied about forever, but, yeah, this is better. Adult Swim in 2016 has new Venture Bros. and now this. Truly these are glorious times.

For me, it's hard to beat the 3-parter that kicks off the series.

This is absolutely not metal, but if you're into the kind of Americana + La Monte Young drone-y stuff, you should absolutely check out Henry Flynt's Backporch Hillbilly Blues.

Related: Om is one of the greatest bands of all time.