
The easiest entry point is probably Pentastar, which is my favorite album of theirs after Earth 2 (they might even be tied in my book). But considering that there have been at least 4 iterations of Earth at this point, trying to find an "entry point" is almost a lost cause. Of course that also means that there's

Fun fact: there are those that think that Rambo III was partially funded and written as pro-Mujahideen propaganda because Afghanistan/Pakistan was the epicenter of what I like to call Mission Superrevenge. There are foreign policy people who admit that most of the reason we funded the mujahideen (and radical imams to

Of course, a natural jizz standard.

Definitely groovy sludge. The album artwork leaves something to be desired, but that's kind of a stupid/irrelevant complaint.

Cavity's On The Lam is an awesome record.

If you're into sludgy stuff that isn't all sludge, I highly recommend the blues/southern rock weirdos Weedeater and probably Boris' Pink. And while we're listing sludge-y crossovers, I never miss an opportunity to plug Earth's insane slowed-down raga, La Monte Young-inspired Earth 2.

Brane's debut album: memBRANEous dissolution

Perhaps one of the most interesting gay figures in metal is Trelldom's Gaahl. First of all, the black metal scene is probably that least friendly scene in all of music towards non-heteronormative, non-white, non-male people (though that does seem to be changing, albeit incredibly slowly, as of late), so for Gaahl to

Depends on the scene, to be honest.

The new Sunn O))) is great (streaming on Rolling Stone's website now). And I've been getting back into the originals: Celtic Frost. Although for those who are looking for something similar to Floor, I highly recommend looking up the band Flesh Seeds. They only have 4 released songs, as yet, but they are 4 excellent

That's fair, I'll admit that my use of allegory was too strong of a term. But I still stand by the fact that there are several massive parallels between the two. The north was more mechanized, had better technology, a stronger centralized government, and, thanks to Lincoln's Constitution busting security laws, kind of

I think that's more archetypical bad guy.

You know what isn't cool? Re-using needles and unprotected sex with streetwalkers. Those are good ways to get CancerAIDS.

"So what are we doing?"
"Oh, crime."
"Crime! Okay, good. Crime."

I mean, the argument could be made that the whole show is essentially a Civil War allegory, where the Browncoats favor states rights, and the Alliance is really just the North. It doesn't seem to be corrupt, aside from the evil science stuff.

I think Tati was a fairly worthy successor - for a different time. The Monsieur Hulot films are hilarious.

10/10 on the header image. I'll personally reload this page 100 times as gratitude. Eh, no I won't, but it's the thought that counts.

I am simultaneously horrified and completely unsurprised by the existence of Wabel.

That's either a trap set by the authorities or a good reason to be arrested by the authorities.

Thomas Pynchon's Bleeding Edge is rollicking weirdo mystery. And, unlike many of the books in his oeuvre, it's a page turner and fairly comprehensible.