
The Name of the Rose or really anything by Eco is an excellent option every single time.

Well, you can also just get the VHS tapes.

Sadly, Gravity Falls seems to be catnip for 'shippers. Much like with Doctor Who and Sherlock, I generally prefer to pretend that there are no other viewers because, in reality, those other viewers are horrifying. Gravity Falls shippers tend to be the worst of the lot, though, because, y'know, underage incest.

You always post about Radiohead. Are you actually just Thom Yorke?

The blood/chocolate pudding (sanguinaccio dolce) that Hannibal served in an orange rind looked goddamned fantastic.

Vienna is just a magical city. It's like the secret twin of Paris.

I've recently been converted to pineapple on pizzas, so the idea of a Hawaiian style burger joint is very enticing to me.


You gotta diversify yo' bonds.

It's actually a really great album from start to finish. Hopscotch Willie is one of those great story tracks.

But have we converted you to Duracell?

"Stewart steward" is something you'd expect to find in a Sunday New York Times crossword titled "So Nice They Named It Twice." Thus I am in full support of it.

I think he's been doing a fine job with the Daily Show. He's just got a very winsome personality, and the writing remains good. But I don't think he's actually been able to capture that frenetic energy that Stewart could do so well. Sure that's down to personality differences, I think, between the two, but it feels

Now, let's hide the comments so all the new traffic that comes for our clickbait Star W-orgy can't see the horrors, pun threads, and good ol' fashioned bitching.

False: the Chef is undeniably an Aryan superman.

R is for "rent hike."

And a vaping lounge.

Neo-feudalism! Hooray! Big Bird is the lord of the manor, and Bert & Ernie are his vassals! The rest of the characters are the unwashed masses, who never learned how to read!

Oscar's been grouchy ever since the war.

Sesame Street is being demolished to put up a mixed-use high-rise.