
It's really reassuring to know that the episodes will still be shown on PBS. This is the first that I heard of Sesame Street's move to HBO and, upon first glance, it really seemed like a dark turn in the accessibility of quality children's entertainment.

Well, the last time we had a Star Trek affiliated property without the words "Star" and "Trek" plastered on it, we had the first two seasons of Enterprise.

That just makes Don's bulge infinitely more disturbing.

It would also explain how Margaret's dad fathered Margaret.

Coverage now!

Well, we certainly don't need another generic space-shoot-em-up that happens to have the words "Star" and "Trek" plastered on it.

Two words: Charlie Rose.

All of the moments that showed the true horror of the dream-prison were awful.

Sure, he looks like Mike Rapaport. But more importantly, Provenza's shirt looks like a blue parachute. So that's cool.

Yeah, it's actually a non-issue for the most part, and most (sane) people would agree that Christian symbolism really has no place in government. There definitely are some people, though, who stretch that whole ethos to ridiculous levels.

And that 1%, ironically, is split between people suing people for saying "Merry Christmas" and people who are organizing boycotts of multibillion dollar companies for not saying "Merry Christmas."

Assiduously watching. Watching with great erudition. However you want to play it, just watch it.

The Gerhardt clan's rise to power? Go the old west route? Create a show based around the misadventure's of a youthful version of Ted Danson's character by splicing in Danson from the Becker years?

It is if it results in weekly crew deaths!

"Just slow it down, I'll shoot Hitler out the window."

They'll just replace him, and no one will know the diddly-ifference.

Or, in the men's case, sploosh, but with semen.


All I want from this is for Oskar Kokoschka to be revealed as a relative of/clone of the expressionist painter of the same name.

[scuttles away to the cave of limited space knowledge]