
"She liked it!"

It certainly had the potential to be the arthouse masterpiece of the Fox line-up. Like a Tartovsky tv show. But I think we all sort of knew that that wasn't going to happen.

A lot of it is also a turnover in staff, and it depends on who is doing the reviewing. There's also been a turn towards "the show graded against the show itself" instead of ruthless critique.

I tend to agree with you, for the simple reason that "Perfect Day" is a paean to human contact, which Mike is utterly lacking. I doubt he successfully killed himself, though. That'd be incredibly bleak. I think the bleakest thing would be if he did succeed, only to have the station fall from orbit and splashdown

Mary Steenburgen is the major legitimizer of my granny fetish.

You are likely correct, sir. Most of the splashdowns occurred in the Pacific ocean. Also, even if they didn't, it just makes sense, plot-wise.

It seems entirely likely that there are other groups of people congregated in other parts of the world, which would be inaccessible to North America. And while I would love to see a group of hyper-efficient Germans attempting to take over the tattered remains of the world, it doesn't seem likely that the group would

I dunno, wasn't Boba Fett, uh, swarthy?

Rancor adjacent.

They've altered the format once. Pray that they do not alter it any further.

"Jedi Rocks," as Wookieepedia so helpfully explains is a jizz song. I agree with this, in that it stinks and you immediately want to clean yourself up after exposure to it.

Snuff films and porno.

Again, Lucas is a good guy. Admittedly, a lot of the criticism was just mindless vitriol, but there was some intelligent criticism, too, which, if heeded, could have averted the sad middling of the prequels.

Lucas may not be able to tell a coherent story, but he seems like an okay guy. I ran into him one time backstage at a Crosby, Stills, & Nash concert, but I didn't say anything. He seemed to be having fun with Elvis Costello, though, so there's that.

They're meant to be paired with selfie-sticks.

"could be"? Nah, it just straight is. I know this because I'm a hamosexual.

"What race was he?"

We all know that the song that should have played during the finale is actually Seal's "Kiss From A Rose."

No, but I've written bad poetry on weed.

Probably. The ironic thing about prescriptivism is that it is mired in conflict.