
The prescriptivists shall fight to the death.

I'd read that Kake comic.

Starwipe: We've over-extended ourselves, but occasionally some of our content is readable. But it would have been more readable as a clickhole article.

I give this gimmick account, oh, 2 more hours before we're all tired of him or her.

The AV Club is taking the DC track for news-reportage.

He so clearly was Khan, but I kept hoping against hope that they weren't going to make Khan a white person. Or than Into Darkness wasn't going to suck all the balls.

Definitely one of the best line-readings on the show. And that's saying something.

Our ability to snark our enemies to death is unparalleled.

I feel like the letter grade you give this episode depends on how much patience you have for arcane demon summoning and demonology at large.

Because morality lessons!

It's true. You could even make up some great pseudo-science mumbo jumbo to go along with it.

Could be evil military imperialism? Like the Decapodian's Mobile Oppression Palace, from the Futurama episode, A Taste Of Freedom, where a handful of dignitaries can oppress an entire planet for pennies a day!


It seems like they wanted to do found footage, realized it wasn't working, made up some gibberish about "the dust," and then didn't even bother to explain how apparently sentient dust could have possibly recorded anything. Like, the conceit that the dust was functioning as the eyes of the monsters was pretty cool, but

I get that it was meant to be cliche and play on both the audience's and the characters' expectations, but, y'know, it was so transparently done. And they used a character resurrection twice on the same character.

Eye Booger Monsters… with vagina faces. Never forget the vagina faces.

Strictly speaking, you're probably correct. But it did appear to be the same set as Diagon Alley. Because, if nothing else, Doctor Who often knows its audience.

Yes, Capaldi really seemed to be firing on all cylinders straight out of the gate, and it was nice to see the writer's penning fantastical stories that weren't totally up their own ass. (For as much as I loved Smith's portrayal, a huge portion of his tenure was basically the writers throwing up their hands and saying,

It was comprehensible, but the writers' choices were not.

It's such a stacked cast. In a better world, it would have had real writers, instead of JokeBot5000.