
Have you seen Entering Texas - Bar-B-Que?

I mean, it's kind of like levels. I think everyone can agree that there's something about music that disrupts the "normal mode of being," regardless of whether or not it is Sun Ra or Dave Brubeck. It's a gradient (and whereupon one falls has a lot to do with intention).

"It is the assertion of the author that through the cultivation of this radical aesthetic that simultaneously blended terror and transgression, the Butthole Surfers embodied protest music. However, this protest involved no social or political cause, but rather contemporary human existence, humanity, and even perhaps

They really dropped the balls.

So… they Chris Farley Show-ed themselves? "Remember when we had that really good dick joke? That was awesome."

Yes. And, terrifyingly, a Swiss clockmaker, in honor of Descartes, built an automaton that could write "Cogito ergo sum" on a piece of paper. Good luck sleeping with your existential nightmares.

But is the plot dense?

Is it weird that I'm now picturing Captain Holt talking about how much he hates sand? And, further, is it weird that I'm loving it?

Ewan MacGregor's acting in the prequels: acting like he cared so he could pick up his paycheck.

"And what exactly are you not getting about this?"
"The core planets, obviously."

It's impossible to know whether other human beings are actually just machines who act real but have never actually experienced anything.

His work with the Meters and Dr. John is transformatively funky.

Given that Plankton is green and appears to be able to subsist on holographic meatloaf, my guess is he's actually sentient phytoplankton, and therefore ineligible for this list. Ineligible, I say!

The AV Club
It was Earth all along

On the topic of Our Band Could Be Your Life, there was a book that came out recently chronicling the Butthole Surfers called Let's Go To Hell. It's got a load of information, but it is riddled with spelling and editing errors. I recently used it as a source for a paper I wrote on the Butthole Surfers, but, really, if

Hey, stop establishing the comments section as hauntological. The idea of Derrida for children is basically like saying "My child can do art better than that abstract expressionist." At the same time, if you want your children to be really good at puns and portmanteaus…

And everyone's going to feel a lot worse when they do a "very-special episode" of Black-ish about Ben Carson.

"You got my cocaine in your cocaine. Cocaine!" - The writers of Jurassic World

Counterpoint: Duck Soup