
If we're talking about famous thinkers who are misunderstood by college sophomores, pretty much everyone qualifies. Except Ayn Rand. She's pretty cut & dry.

I first got turned onto those chips at my favorite sandwich place in Brooklyn: Hops & Hocks

Find the beetle!

[breathes heavily, wrings hands in anticipation]

Engels wasn't, strictly speaking, a philosopher. But Engels.

I think you mean mid-19th century wissenschaftliche religion substitute. Wissenschaft =/= "Science" (at least as we understand it in English)

Recently, I was at an academic conference where someone presented a paper which was basically an Adorno-esque analysis of Archer as a critique of late capitalism. It was awesome. This is why we need Adorno.

Stupid German degree. Always holding me back!

People are talking about this book as if Class Struggle: The Board Game does not exist.

There's nothing more exciting than breaking the frozen wastelands of abstraction!

God, Bachelard's awesome. I just started to read Psychoanalysis of Fire. I can't believe I'd never heard of him. I'd like to thank the Merleau-Ponty & Phenomenology facebook group.

That's a good… intention

Please don't confuse snark with the well-reasoned opinions of the upper crust with whom you typically associate.

You're right, of course, but I'm still in favor of the "Americans are mouth-breathers" argument. Because that's what being a teacher does to you.

An unprecedented triple crossover. AND HE STUCK THE LANDING.

God, I actually quite like a lot of the things the Red Hot Chili Peppers have done, but pretty much anything of theirs that was a hit is the most godawful piece of faux-inoffensive dad-rock trash. This song is the ultimate example.

Middle Manager Who Desperately Wants To Believe He Hasn't Sold Out And Still Rocks Starter Kit:
- Clapton
- Fleetwood Mac
- Jefferson Starship
- Steve Miller Band
- The Grateful Dead (but only Europe '72)

Adding to the list of words that were banned in the late '90's: article, science, scientificating, and higher learning. Book-learnin' is still commonly used in everyday parlance, though.

No, but it helps.

That's my feeling for much of Bowie. And King Crimson. And, hell, Wagner's operas.