
I really hope that what you're saying will happen, but honestly I'm not that sure.

But why was Ray there? Are he and Adam friends? I must have missed that.

They re-cast Tommen for this season, the new actor is actually 16. During the Blackwater the kid (other actor) appeared to be more like 7.

I got the impression that those who didn't want to join Dany had the simple choice to stay in the city and "sort things out". Will probably go amazingly well…

Yes, compared to the rest of the TVD universe.

Breakfast time in Sweden, I baked scones and drank jasmine tea. Also, strawberries!

Shouldn't kings that everyone wants killed have someone taste their food and/or drink before they eat it? I mean, Joffrey did know that pretty much everyone at that place wanted him dead.

A white van is way too trashy for Hannibal, don't you think?

Does this count as her being in several refrigerators?

I don't know about his childhood (is it form the books, or have I just missed it on the show?) but today he is most definitely privileged. A rich, white man that consults for the FBI and has time to both be a serial murderer and make extravagant meals. Did you see that breakfast?

Now I'm not a privileged white man, but I do believe that it would add to the purity of my swimming if I could do it in an empty pool during night. The issues I deal with at the pool are mostly the slow seniors in my way.

There's probably room for a gym in that murder basement aswell.

And here I thought Hannibal had good taste in art…

I watched Hannibal while eating my hangover breakfast, aka leftovers from lastnight's potluck. Potato gratin with a side of noodle salad. Not the best combination but it did the trick, and both were delicious though not together.

Well, that's sexist in itself.

- None of us are ever going to die before the other
- Ok, let's burn this mf

Dude please chill with spoilers for the comics, at least give a proper heads up.

She's such an idealist. Almost as she wasn't raised a girl in the 16th century.

I really want this to happen! If they live at court, we could follow the noblemans gay adventures and cover-ups, would be lovely!

"So Henry has basically morphed into Christian Grey"