
It's quite depressing that the first implication of female homosexuality on this show was the king forcing two women to have sex so he could get off on it. At least male homosexuality exists (or so people gossip) in the form of a hot nobleman we will never see again! Guess I'll have to hold on to the belief that Aylee

Regarding Parrish, that was exactly my thought! Though he could also be a hunter, since we don't know who shot the twins?

I think it's better than ever! Why did you give up on it?

But she also looked (and screamed) really surprised when she recognized Marnie? Or it could have been fake.

Baths are awesome. That is all.

Yes, this! So sometimes people can visit Will at his cell, but sometimes they need to lock him up in a torture bird cage to talk to him, and sometimes you get to meet him in a glass box that. Is there any logic? However, I am looking forward to see the other types of rooms and cages in there!

But he can still be bitten by a werewolf? Or what do you mean?

Malia kinda killed her sister in that crash, although it was way back.

Isn't the point that the nogitsune that's possessing Stiles is smart? Because it is what's controlling Stiles, and that has nothing to do with how smart Stiles is? (even though he is really smart) And the nogitsune obviously knows about the finger and japanese mythology and all that. I just don't get that argument,

Does Deaton have a bunch of kanima slime in cold storage? Which he collected how? Anyways, pretty neat! And it could surely come in handy more times..

I downvoted it because I thought the comment had a condescending tone.

Sorry about that!

Didn't Clarissa kill Nostradamus at the end of last episode?

Derek with those kids was one of the best things I've seen.

So, any theories on the masked guys/demons? Has papa Argent made a deal with them before? And how/if they are connected to the firefly shadow creatures from the tree?

God, I'm awful for always forgetting Isaac's been abused. That kid, it's just one crappy thing/beating after another.

Have there been implications of Isaac's bisexuality?

And seriously, being a "writer", maybe she could come up with her own fake grieving story instead of one that could easily be revealed by her boyfriend's psychopathic sister?

I'm hoping the hookup will ensure that Tyler and Caroline won't get back together (wasn't the final wedge when she asked him to chose between her and revenge, and he left in order to try and kill a baby and pull a stupid revenge scheme?). Maybe Caroline doesn't have to go on a dark path, but the "I am moral and know

That revenge plan seemed good at first but ended up horrible. They didn't count on Klaus actually being a werewolf aswell? Or think of taking him out before he would be able to get free with you know, his supernatural strength?