
Agreed, I was worried it would veer off into Gay-Panic and I am glad that it didn't, I wish they extended the run time of the finale a bit more because while we got a real sense of the spiritual wounds a lot of things had to be rushed because of the justified time taken to confront the aftermath of the assault(s).

Hey, thanks for the post - what a great episode eh? I both agree and disagree with you. I cannot tell you how upsetting, personally, it was to watch this happen it was horrid and disturbing, and that would have been so without my own personal baggage. Still, I think it was a damn gutsy move to go "there" and the

True that!

Agreed. This show on paper should have gone straight to HBO, that it is on NBC says: 1. Bryan Fuller and his team can sell the hell out of ANYTHING and that
2.There is someone with great vision and cojones grandes at NBC. I am just grateful.

That was a play ALL for Hannibal, and that Hannibal doesn't see it is odd. On another note, where are the local police? I know that this is not a police procedural but as you said they do from time to time recall that they are in law enforcement.

Cool dude

We love the show, and we want it to succeed cause really there is not alot of good shows on tv. Passion is good. Even though, the guy is a tool about it, come on why not just leave him with thanks for a different point of view? What he says will not make any of us stop watching, and attacking him/her will not make

Why the hostility? He has a right as do you to his opinion. What, are Fannibals akin to Gaga's "little monsters", room for all views - just chillax.

Thank you.

Can anyone tell me how the bird got in Sarah's chest??? I saw no sutures on her chest when she was with the FBI guys?

Love this forum so much, thank you all for your opinions and insight.
Seriously thanks many comments here are enriching and make me for one
take a second [and third] look at aspects of this show that I have
missed. Appreciated.

In my opinion, no other episode highlighted Hannibal's insanity more than the one last night. Yes, this is a show about "Hannibal the Cannibal", but all that Hannibal has done, his hunting, and the obfuscation he practices is in keeping with an alpha predator. He exists in a world where no one can understand [or

Will Graham:
No, I know I'm not smarter than you.

"Disappointed Much"
No one show can be EVERYTHING to all of its
viewers but, this show is by far one of the best scripted tv dramas
ever, and our lives have been enriched by it. This is not light praise -
but well deserved praise and it is hard work, and week after week has
shown the fruit of the Fuller team's

Agreed, agreed, agreed. Alana, has agency (?), and is not just a sexy bimbette still while I applaud Bryan Fuller for trying not to just make this a boy's club…it functionally is. Alana Bloom, is at this point just a bed warmer and pretty scenery - which is sad. Maybe she was mis-cast, but I think more of the

Thank you so much for your comment. I wonder if any of this gets back to Fuller et al??? Yeah, this FBI [Full Bag of Idiots] detracts from Hannibal a great deal, he is smart, creative, and very resourceful but that really is not that big a deal if you could literally walk with a sign in front of the FBI declaring

lol LOVE the "criminally stupid" line. Seriously, I was just writing along those lines, this show is TOO good for such lazy characterization, the FBI staff are just dumb, which diminishes Hannibal's greatness because, it is like shooting fish in a barrel with these dodo agents

"Disappointed Much"
No one show can be EVERYTHING to all of its viewers but, this show is by far one of the best scripted tv dramas ever, and our lives have been enriched by it. This is not light praise - but well deserved praise and it is hard work, and week after week has shown the fruit of the Fuller team's

Agreed, shame that it is so but it is. His talent shines through though.

Roast Chicken and Parsnip chips