
She'd give you gas

That is a little harsh, she is not comfortable in the role, maybe it's inexperience, be kind, she is amongst lions maybe she'll get better.

Thank you for that POV…..hmmmmm. I agree the sex was a means to an end, for Hannibal and Calculation & Control are his middle names, so that is taken as a great point. The transfer of emotion from Will to Hannibal and feeling disappointed/betrayed/guilty about Will all influence Alana's choice to get it on with

I second and third that motion. Good God I sooooooooo wanted that, I would pay money to see that. Seriously their Chemistry was off the charts. Yes, he did go to her house in his "Patrick Bateman" formal wear but gee they are hot together.

Okay I am putting it out there, I am not feeling the chemistry between Ms Dhavernas

hey sure why not, would love to chat via email, excellent.

Hi Ballsy,

My Darling Dear T_I_W_I_G_U,

?Wasn't last night's meal veal and not pork loin??