The Amazing Jim

The boy just heard him called "god" via muffled screams throught the bedroom door.

God put those in there to test your faith, heathen.

And who knows how much god is demanding in wages.

These movies serve only to bolster the beliefs of the viewers (see you can pray the gay away!). They're a money-making scheme taking advantage of a population that is already proven to be gullible.

Dear God,

Is god holding?

He's only into her because he recognized all the package she was getting from Adam&Eve.com

Deliver me from evil.

So Kevin Costner is god?

Orange you glad we don't have to put up with her pretentious crap in person?

Why are there so many songs about rainbows?

This is why we're hated.

I just have visions of that scene from Time Bandits.

She kept the fake accent.

It's makes those without any redeamable skill or value celebrities

I always associated her with flying squirrels.

I want her to have my abortion.

Shouldn't someone put a belt in her mouth or something?

Does it have an occompanying rash?

The industry term is "Load Bearing Bikini"