
That's Xcelent!

The only other actor who's death devastated me so thoroughly - and I still mourn his passing a decade and a half after the fact - was Phil Hartman.

I think it was one or the other of these acts that account for the fact that I started getting tinnitus when I was in my late 20s, circa 1992.

How about "Hard Drinkin' Lincoln"?
Abraham Lincoln was deservin' of glory
But when he got to drinkin' it was a whole 'nother story
The great emancipator becomes an irritator
He's a public masturbator
And a rabid Irish hater
Abraham Lincoln
That hard drinkin' Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
"That's Me!"

As a lifelong Christopher, I will never forgive him for making Topher an acceptable abbreviation of our name.

I envisioned him as fit, but not necessarily huge.

I was thinking Keegan-Michael Key would make a good Shadow, if he can tune down the goofiness.


Rob Ford

Little help?

It seems it could be done with a very small effects budget. Most of the 'magic' in the book was small scale stuff, with an occasional trip to lands outside of reality (which could be done adequately with camera tricks or whatever).

With Norman Fell as Zeus?

Shit. I got confused.

Always, always worse. Never better. Soon we will be heaving chunks of pottery marked with chalk scrawling at each other from great distances just to nail an …OF COCK joke.

One of these days I'm going to have to finally watch From Here to Eternity, probably not this weekend however.

Will there be an appearance by the beloved Russian animated characters Worker and Parasite?

I already know how to get early onset diabetes.

Naked Gun the series?!? That would be awesome.

I'm amazed that I already forgot that Bates Motel was a thing that I watched half a dozen episodes of.

I hope Netflix has greased up their internet tubes. Traffic is gonna be heavy for a while.

Olympic hockey is the only spectator sport that I genuinely enjoy watching. That final game between US and Canada in 2010 was fantastic.