
'Wokest" is perfectly cromulent!

A very fabulous No-Prize to you, Mr. Lee.

And you can hire some twins… Some Wonder Twins. They can have matching rings that turns one of them into an animal and the other into…. Oh, I don't know…. How about water? Is that too ridiculous?

Now I feel bad for calling you pathetic earlier. I feel bad because you really are pathetic. Here's hoping things improve for you, seriously.

So your disgust isn't with the show, it's for people who don't like it in the "right" way? Can't you see how pathetic that is?

Both Allen and Welles did the best they could with the material.

I could see liking it as a kid because it's silly, brightly colored and pretty looking (especially the women, so many pretty Mod-girls) and the Bacharach soundtrack is actually quite catchy (I'm still humming snippets to myself this morning). The main problem is that the plot doesn't make any sense and the script

I have 24 hour projects all the time, but they involve programming poorly thought out product enhancements that the folks in sales promised a client would be no big deal so, "you don't mind working all night do you?"

Wait, is that the 1973, version of Drowned in his Own Dentifrice or the 1990 one with Matt Frewer?

< B > oooooo!

There IS no point and anyone who tells you different is just trying to either sell you something or control you.
Given that, we might as well goof off until our time is up.

ACK! You've trapped me in your web of logic!

Unsteady. Quieter. Prone to sit and stare at the wall. Keeps trying to get me to listen to some Phish bootleg.

No comment!

Fun Fact: our puppy ate part of a bag of weed earlier this week.
Supplementary Fun Fact: Stoned dogs act pretty much the same as stoned people - i.e. briefly hilarious, then very boring.

Oh, I thought that was Curtis E. Bear.

Based on the dire state of Stoner Comedies, I'd have to agree.

What next? Jenny McCarthy giving her children the Salk Vaccine?

American frontiersman Kitt Carson, Former Missouri Senator Kitt Bond are the two examples that spring to mind.

Christopher = Kitt is a weird one too.