
OK… now I'm tired of you.

Wait, one more…

Good and/or talented people can do stupid and/or crappy things. That's just the way it is.


So did Emma Watson get eaten by cannibal Danny McBride in This is the End or what? I'd like to think YES.

Jesus H Christ, you slippery bastard!

Actual, perhaps even useful, information here. I get the "edit settings" drop down if I access my Disqus account in Chrome, but not in Explorer. Try different browsers.

Magic Flight Launch Box. Works like a dream and the design is so simple that it's just about impossible to fuck up.

And just what is THAT supposed to mean!!!!

I don't know the truth of the matter beyond the fact that parents who use their kids as point scoring mechanisms in a failed marriage are the lowest of the low.
That said, I love my parents dearly, nonetheless.

No. Duh.

Umm… dude, what were we talking about?

Can't I just rip through an ounce of sticky bud with my swanky new vaporizer? I'm trying to get ready for swimsuit season.

When I check my Disquis account over at TheDissolve there is an option called "edit Settings" that allows you to change your avatar. Curiously, they don't have that option at the AVClub. Weird.


This all makes me incredibly sad. I don't know what to think so I think I'll just do what I did during my parent's messy divorce and just try not to think of anything at all.

They are reliably amusing but I find that the movie they are ridiculing makes a big difference. The Beginning of the End was one of those 50s sci fi movies where they drag 7 minutes of special effects out to movie length with long scenes of a scientist in a lab (Peter Graves this time) explaining and re-explaining

Actually I would count Along Came Polly as one of his crowning achievements because he was the one and only thing that made that movie worth watching.

Ouch, that's awful.

Hard pass