
I'd never heard the term "hostile resting face" before, but I totally have it. It happens with alarming frequency that I'll just be thinking of something and someone will ask me "what's wrong" or "are you mad at something". Also I learned a couple of months ago that the people at the advertising firm across the hall

The wife and I got a dog at the pound several years ago and we only had it for a couple of days before it died of parvo. I completely broke down on the way home from the vets. I doesn't take long to bond with a dog. I really felt for Mike.

I hope she grows into a respectable career. She certainly has potential as an actress.

RE: Luke. No way! I think he keeps getting funnier. But then I had the most awkward awkward phase in the history boyhood so that stuff has resonance for me.

The dual line with Manny and Luke was perfect.

I was hoping it would end like Grease and some popular kids would teach her she wouldn't be so lonely if she'd just dress and act a whole lot sluttier.

Pussy. My home is heated by burning Andean Condor eggs.

Wise and creepy words indeed.

(Never mind: joke taken)

Somewhere Gary Glitter sits up and says "eh? What?"

Holy shit Buzz, that sounds awesome.

Standing flowers are like paintings of sad clowns: never not hilarious and poignant.

And while the EPA guy was a jerk he definitely had a point; maintaining an unlicenced nuclear paranormal storage facility in a large metropolitan area is a manifestly bad idea.

I'm not going to debate you if you don't even know what the fucking words mean.

Sadly I've been away from the AVClub for a few months so I no longer recognize the trolls.

I was once flabbergasted when I mentioned Groundhog Day to a coworker and she hadn't seen it because it 'sounded too ridiculous'. The thing is, she had a point but, holy shit, to live your life so that you exclude experiences that sound weird or that you might not initially understand sounds so depressingly limiting.

What it lacks in plot, characterization, special effects and dialog it more than makes up for in empty cardboard boxes, lots and lots and lots of empty cardboard boxes.

Best to move cautiously but, in my case anyway, I find The Lovely and Talented Mrs Fastandsloppy quite enjoys my silly internet nicknames for her.

Indeed, I'm quite pleased you found your Captain Metro.

The Simpsons too. Please Fox, just let them die with dignity!