
After the first Hobbit film I decided to stay away until he'd wrung all the cash out of it and wait for someone to come along later and edit Jackson's mess down to Tolkien's original story.

Oh yes. I liked the direction quite a bit. I just thought it wasn't enough.

Agreed. I liked the old Tomb Raider games as essentially a series of jumping puzzles. I thought the reboot was pretty good with the side-adventure tombs, but there was too little of that and, as I said initially, the puzzles were just too damned easy. I thought the narrative and the combat were an improvement on the

I forgot to complain about the quick time events. I hate those.

That scene reminded me of the magic shop in Pee Wee's Big Adventure which in turn reminded me that this is Pee Wee's Big Adventure week over at TheDissolve.com and I got supper excited. It's gonna be a great week!

Don't be silly, Jimmy Junior's only true love is dance… and maybe Zeke, I haven't quite figured out what's up with those two.

Actually, since I'm not comparing it to anything other than my own preconceptions (which were pretty low since, until recently, I'd always thought it was lame to let someone else provide wisecracks for your shitty movies) I'm enjoying them quite a bit. In a major breakthrough, my wife (who shared my own misgivings

I lived my 20s and early 30s in near poverty (and what money we managed to save we frittered away on vacations and buying a house) so I didn't have cable TV until 2001. Consequently I have some very large pop-culture blind-spots. I'd been working through KITH when Netflix dropped it so I'm onto MST now.

"Every time I see it I like it less and less"

Watched Videodrome which I'd never seen before. It had it's moments but overall I just couldn't buy the story. I wonder if I would have enjoyed it more if it starred the record sleeve of a Blondie album instead of Deborah Harry?

Maybe I'll put it on my "I'd watch it for free" list

No. He's right. I've failed you all.

Oh, hey you guuuuuuuys

They don't call it a magazine rack for nothing

Well gosh, I'm always in the mood for a razzamatazz.

I used to go to the one in East Brunswick NJ all the time. Their prices were… well, pretty good, I guess.

But I can shit at 90 words a minute!

RHCP were a fun band when they were a stupid 2nd tier MTV band in the mid to late 80s but then they got more popular than their talent warranted. I still listen to The Uplift Mofo Party Plan from time to time, it's not a great album but it's goofy and funky and it puts a smile on my face.

But I never saw the second one… I'll be lost!

Cormac McCarthy's ex-wife?