
It made you laugh because it's a quote from a Monty Python sketch and MP are awesome.

My family lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank.

When those trashcan kisses start sparking the world sort of falls away

My sister in law feel into that mental trap sort of late in life and it's terribly sad. She's so afraid of something bad happening to her that she is letting her life pass by unspent, resigned to spending her days on Facebook posting about Obama's plans to set up mass decapitations of Christians (among other horrors

RE: feminist backlash. Based on my wife's reaction, Glossner's final speech about transforming himself into a man worthy of Sue's affection made all the difference. "That's actually kinda sweet," she said.

I'm still enjoying the show but it's getting harder to buy Brick as a tween when was obvious in a few scenes that the guy could grow some serious muttonchops if he chose to.

totes abrevs

Slutty lobster pot?

Get the butter

I've noticed it but I prefer not to talk about it.

Leslie giving her speech to the town's business leaders when she had a really serious case of the flu and absolutely nailing it. I love it when Leslie is awesome.

And I agree.

Hmmm, he must have been an antipersonnel mime.

It puts the ha in holocaust!

Yeah, they were only spectacular at best.

It could have been worse. In the original script he was a mime.

Did it tickle when he kissed you?

She also looks a lot like my wife when we were young

He'll have a sound system, I doubt the dozen or so Community fans any given city can produce can effectively drown him out.

I've only heard one song and my mind kept wandering while it played so… I guess that answers your question.