
Handsome Deviled-ham

This Charming Sausage

Why bother watching movies when you can just ask strangers on the internet what happened?

I'm not a teenager but I punch like one. Just sayin'.

That's nothing. He only realized he was a dude after watching The Crying Game.

That's exactly where I'm at. The wife and I watched on episode and decided that the only way we'd like the series is if it involved horrible things happening to all of the major characters on a weekly basis.

He looks like just dropped by to borrow some rolling papers and invite you to join his drum circle if you have a spare set of bongos or whatever.

I think the proper appreciation of this piece requires a familiarity with Entourage that I have absolutely no desire to cultivate.

True that. It means you might have something wrong with your Pancras.

Oh really? What are your thoughts on The Masons?

I'm gonna downvote the first motherfucker who makes that horse joke. Not because it's not true, just because it's so damned lazy.

The only sour note for me is this: Mike seems like the kind of guy who would have enough presence of mind to stop the slowly moving burning cow before jumping out to pull his wife out of the observation seat. And speaking of that, why the hell did they build that stupid float with the driver's seat in the back without


I can barely comment anymore from my tired old work PC. It hangs up my computer or logs me off AVClub or just flat out doesn't show comments at all. I wouldn't be commenting now if I wasn't working from home today.

Yeah we starte watching in the middle of season 3 and we never felt lost at what was going on at all.


New York City gets so little notice in popular culture so some folks might not know.

Do they also blame you for Buffalo's Football championship loss in 1966?

When you say "whistle" which orifice are we talking about?

Community is like a beautiful, intelligent, vivacious girl you met in college who you really hit it off with and could easily fall in love with but who lets herself get jerked around by her asshole parents so badly that you finally just kind of lose interest because she's always breaking dates, canceling plans & etc.