
Yeah, but she got a lot worse.

I've watched someone go insane IRL. It's not as much fun as one would expect.

The AVClub: a depiction of how people can watch something too much and get lost in studying it, to the point where you question if any of the theorists even like [it].

Hell America as a whole during the long terrifying rise of the Tea Party morons would count as a pretty good example of mass freak-out but I would never list it as my favorite anything because it's just too fucking depressing.

Chevy Chase's long delayed meltdown in Christmas Vacation is my favorite. He tires so hard to hold his Christmas Spirit together for the entire movie but when he gets that stupid Jam of the Month gift he just lays down a mushroom cloud of profanity that just gets me laughing like crazy each and every time I see it.

Yes, that's the stuff.

And then a movie

Very funny actor. Horrible stand-up comic

A few years ago we had a bunch of people over for New Years Eve and they stayed the night. I got up early the next dayand I didn't want to make too much noise so I took my car up to the self-wash place around the corner. When I was there I was accosted by a smelly old bum who asked if I could spare some change, etc.

Sure, how much will you give me to get rid of this shit?

You want to watch a show where people with actual problems complain about shit? You might gain empathy or something.

I too am disgusted that a for-profit company did something to increase its the amount of money it made.

Step 2 of the Underwear Gnomes plan is revealed!

I'm going to have to exercise my Jim Breuer veto.

With pics like these, how can I resist?

*goes blind*

You kick a dog in the face and you're a monster, you slice its eyeball open and you're a genius. I don't get it.


I hate to break it to you, but Happy Endings died horribly.

That was exactly my wife's problem with Tomorrow People