
Peak Season - great idea for a series. Speculation about possible future articles

That battle scene should be required viewing for all European school children, especially French. This will be president Trump's first order of business.

Don Draper's back story is exactly the same as Principal Skinner's. Matt Weiner idea stealer!!!!

Dammit!! Came to this article late but still need to say that Reginald VelJohnson graduated from high school in 1970 in the same class as former CIA director George Tenet and Ron Jeremy.

Eric was awesome for sure, but only if you took the time to get into him. Many hated him, he was the most divisive wack packer of all time, even more divisive than Elliot Offen.

Hey Johnny, did you catch the (ack) replay where that dumbass (ack) well supposedly from my school, called in and said that I (ack) ruined the school, cause of having them do construction and everything….. Find that guy (ack ack ack) his name is Jerry (ack ack ack), you know what do… you know what to do…. just find

Howard Stern, host of what over the past 30 years was the pinnacle of American comedy. Most importantly, Stern's comedic triumphs dwarf anything and everything AV club holds dear. Beetlejuice's 32nd funniest moment, is 28 times funnier than Community's funniest moment.

Just as long as she sleeps on her stomach

I am thinking of watching this and need a genuine answer here. Is this show getting great scores because:

I get my horror directors mixed up. At first I confused him with Tim Burton, now that would have been a real bummer…. regardless, RIP, you made some classics. "The Hills have eyes" is a stone cold classic, and the "Scream" trilogy was a lot of fun.

If this list is meant to cover characters added mid-stream that improved a show than the exclusion of Gus Fring makes this a failed list. He is the very definition of a character addition that improved a show. Gus became a key figure almost at the show's exact midpoint and took Breaking Bad to another level.

You heard it here first, the replacement will be Howard Stern.

Out of all the dumb Adam Sandler 90's movies (meaning all but "The Wedding Singer") Happy Gilmore seems to the consensus least bad. For whatever reason however, I seemed to enjoy Billy Madison the most, followed closely by the Water boy.

the riots were exaggerated, as far as the rapes and deaths, you have to remember that there were 200,000 people tightly packed into a small area. Think of a typical city with a population of 200,000, statistically, the number of rapes and deaths that occurred at Woodstock '99 were not any higher than occur on in a

The show that introduced the world to both Jenny McCarthy and Carmen Electra, both of whom would inhibit "hottest chicks in the world" lists for at the least the next 5-7 years. (Yes I know she in Playboy but this show introduced her to the masses). Show deserves props for that alone.

I was there, it wasn't as bad as the press made it seem. And wasn't the 90's all about crass commercialism?

holy shit you are right!? was thinking this was for the entire decade

Somehow forgot about that one. Personally prefer Usual Suspects but Pulp Fiction (and of course Resevoir Dogs) had a much bigger influence and paved the way for the Usual Suspects. Not going to argue this one.

were you wearing Mambo cologne at the time? Any complaints from the wedding party about the temperature in the Limo?

Woodstock '99. Great show, great time, and yes I was into all of the lame bands that defined the late 90's. Woodstock '99 is often bashed when compared to it's iconic predecessor because the issues and spirit surrounding the event were not as "important". At the end of the day, Woodstock festivals are supposed to