
I'd be interested in hearing more regarding what you mean by that (I'm not in the film-making business)

I will not laugh you off the board, I will thank you for recognizing the genius that is Stern. I've always been disappointed by the lack of Stern appreciation on the A.V. club. Not sure if the consumers of this website are simply too young, or are turned off by his extreme and outrageous antics. So many of those

Thank you for including the Usual Suspects, the best movie of the 90's not called Goodfellas. The greatest ending ever to a movie ever, Sixth Sense is a distant second and those who think that is a better ending can suck it. And those who say "I saw it coming" can suck it as well. You did and you didn't. Everybody

Tuco was such a great character and Raymond did such a great job playing him. Never has an actor been able to combine terrifying and hilarious so well in one character.

she also was off on seasons 1 and 2. The pilot, "And the Bags in the river" were obvious A's. So was "Grey Matter". In season 2 she gave "Peekaboo" and "Negro y Azul" A minuses which is insane considering she gave the previous boring set up episodes A's. Like I said though, she nailed season 3 perfectly and I am

many people do, they are often what get people to start watching a show in the first place

I love Donna, I really do, her reviews of Breaking Bad (and now this) added to my overall enjoyment of the show. But I will never forgive her for giving "Grilled" a B-plus, or "Hermanos" an A-minus, or "Salud" an A-minus. all of which were A's by any objective standard. She nailed season 3 of BB though, but season 4

Even though it didn't air in 2014, Breaking Bad should still be on here… that's how good it was

Wasn't the girl Big Jim killed "Barbie"? Also the girl in Breaking Bad at the gas station that Jesse sold Blue Meth to in season 3?  This is not the first time Dean Norris and this actress have met up.

Wasn't the girl Big Jim killed "Barbie"? Also the girl in Breaking Bad at the gas station that Jesse sold Blue Meth to in season 3?  This is not the first time Dean Norris and this actress have met up.  

yo, someone below mentioned Mac's dad from " It's Always Sunny" was in this episode.  He was also Tuco's doorman way back in "Crazy Handful". Yo. Bitch.

Wow Donna, its season 4 all over again.  If this isn't an A I don't know what is.  You do such a good job reviewing this show and then every once in a while you screw up.

look into it dude.  4 and 5 will rule

A very, very good move the plot along episode….. but not as good as the premier.  It's very important to watch for who writes the episode.  Thomas Schnauz who wrote this episode wrote the epic "One Minute" but little else.  The next episode is written by Gennifer Hutchinsen.  Her solo efforts are just o.k. (although

Am I the only one who thinks that the Gray Matter and Gus back stories really need to be resolved????

One more thing…. T.V. club folk need to be veeeeery careful.  Meta Critic gave the first eight a higher score than seasons 2… 3…. and 4 which every real fan of BB knows is BS.  That's why we need to watch Donna veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery closely for Harvard style grade inlflation.  I love Donna and she

It matters because non-viewers  base their opions these shows based on these reviews

Have not seen this episode.  Love, Love, Love Donna but she has been known to grade inflate.  Was this really an A?? hope it was.  Anyway…… long live the mighty Breaking Bad.

The greatest fear is that this final batch of episodes gets all A's just because its the the last eight (see the last eight of "the Wire" which were not NOT all A's).  So to all present I ask you, was this episode really an A,,,,, was it really an A !!!!!!! if so, give me a hell yea!!!! P.S. Tuco rules

Have not seen this episode yet, and will not until I can netflix it after the final eight is over.  My only hope is that it these final eight do not get "The Wire" treatment… that is, get an A just because they are the last eight. The final eight of "The Wire" were not all A's  Honest feedback please…..