
I thought of The Grifters too.


Suppose you play an Ace and the next guy plays the Queen under it. You want to know if he had the Queen alone or the Queen and Jack.

Is it just me, or was Raven's "interview" of Chef Jeff an unprofessional ambush? And she was completely unfair to Robert Culp, I mean Dev.

That was …. really long. And Aziz is not that interesting when he's pouting.

It was obvious he'd smash the cup with the spike in it. There was the slight possibility that it would turn out to be a trick.

I kept waiting for Cannavale to turn monstrous, but he never got worse than overbearing.

Given who her parents are, it would be surprising if she weren't gorgeous.

What is with these ratings? That was possibly the funniest episode of the whole series.

"You need to eliminate 'Where on earth would I go?' from the list of problems. Or you could just shoot the cocksucker."

Were lookin’ to do just one good deed before they died
They was gazin’ to the future, riding on the Yellow King
— Marty, Old Rustin, and the Yellow King

The result is something too interesting for me to dismiss entirely,

"We want to build a sensory deprivation tank so we can invite Blair Brown over."

They're filling a wading pool. Not a dangerous activity for 12-year-olds.

A shark can smell 1 PPM of waffle a quarter mile away.

Elliott is autistic and the whole show takes place in his snow globe.

Zoe Deschanel has often been the best thing in a lousy movie.

For me, it's the Penguin and the Wolfman.

Big Head Todd was a monster.

And turtles bury their poop, so their shit doesn't show.