
Emily tells a story about being hit on by a male driver, and the solution is female drivers because a woman would never hit on another woman.

Um, bellhop.

It's a series? Damn, now I have to fid the sequels.

Hold on — are Jessica Biel and Jennifer Beals different people?

I preferred Generation Krill.

Why would people in Westeros talk like they're worried about the FBI recording them?

> I was born on a roller coaster during a tornado alert.
But it's all right now, in fact it's a gas.

There was a funny (non-stereotyped and very smart) Native American recurring character on Parks and Rec.

"I miss the mailroom" reminds me so much of Bernard from The Wire: "Man, I can't wait to go to prison."

Limbo was such a sad idea — all those babies, dancing for eternity under those sticks.

It was pointless to test Sarah Vowell — what could you give her besides an A?

To me that suggests big hair (a sine qua non for a Clinton girlfriend.)