
Oh This Just Sucks
They totally ripped off my Lazy Susan of Attraction concept!

Wait, what? Fondly remembering a film from your childhood? I thought this site just took a strong stance against that kind of behavior.

Has the AV Club now been sold to the Chinese too?

Well, clearly that place would have been available, since Brenna moved into the bigger place that got blown up. Duh.

"But I guess maybe in Miami priests are tan and have blinding white teeth?"

God, Pete & Pete was an awesome show. One of the best kinda kids show ever. Between that and Ren & Stimpy, Nickelodeon used to have just a great array of entertaining, thoughful, and subversive shows. And between 15, Hey Dude!, and Salute Your Shorts, they has had a lineup of some of the most enjoyable bad kids

I started watching Greek to see what kind of a televised abortion a show about frat life would be on the ABC family channel. Maybe it's cause I went in with such low expectations, but I was astonished by how good it is. It's not the best show on TV, but given the strength of some of its characters, I'd say it's top

Perhaps this has been mentioned, but in case it hasn't, even in the already insulting world of advertising, those Pizza Hut commercials set in a restaurant in "Italy" are so fucking aggresively insulting I can't stand it.

I think at this point in the series, you just have to accept that Michael will never abandon a "good guy", and will probably never directly kill the bad guys, only allowing them to be collateral damage of their own making. Call it spycraft, call it the producers not wanting to alienate the protagonist from the

"Who Porked a Midget?"

Oh Noes!
If Fox somehow manages to teach fat people how to breed, we'll soon have a very corpulent epidemic on our hands.

The album itself is pretty good, but for some reason I just hate the band's name. It makes me think that they're some Nickleback//Daughtry//other AMOR type group.

Why Does the Sun Shine is one of my favorite random pickups in my CD collection. I still love their cover of the Meatpuppets Whirlpool.

I could never date anyone who likes Hanna Montana.

Excellent about face, that song does kinda rule. But Creed? In a coffee shop? I think in this day and age airing anything by Creed within earshot of others is at least a serious misdemeanor, first offense punishable but not less than a $250 fine, and not more than 30 days in jail.

ZoMofo does not recognise. He recognizes.

ZoMofo is either real (and I don't want to live in a world where he's not), or is an alternate, split personality of Noel Murray's, a creature that exists deep within his subconscious that serves to manifest his most hidden and taboo thoughts. A monster that allows him to escape from all the WEAK, WACK, BULLSHIT he

The Bob Mould HS track team kicks ass. I believe they recently set a Lend Speed Record for the 110M hurdles. (And just pretend there's an umlaut in hurdles.)

No, no. The short-lived series Men Behaving Badly. Duh.

Yellow comma things that are.