
Autoasphixiationography Was Awesome
One of my all time favorites.

If that dude couldn't handle Red Foreman, how is he gonna handle House? Guess he did finally become a doctor though.

Rip Torn's mugshot from his latest DUI is one of the few things that can make me laugh just by thinking about it. An absolutely astonishingly good mugshot. Even Mr. Nolte could learn from him.

What was the short that featured the old man sitting on a porch, inexplicably adorned with a handerchief on his head? I remember that one being particularly awesome. Oh, and truck farmers. That was also great.

Judas Preist says:


Does Belly really deserve to be mentioned among this stuff? Weren't they a little bit more obscure?

What About
Bran Van 3000?

Ditto on the Cherry siblings. If they filled out a double bill, I'd check my schedule to see if I was free. Wouldn't be heartbroken if I had to miss it, but I'd probably go if I could.

From the description you all gave, this kinda reminds me of that movie with Buffy and Legally Blond, I think it was called Cruel Intentions. I always thought it would be interesting if someone remade that movie as a period piece set in the 18th or 19th century, and used it investigate the sexual politics of

A Time For Everything
Much like the good people at Abercrombrie, I think sexualizing girls under the age of eleven is wrong.

Good God, reading these threads I'd forgotten how many of these fucking movies were released. I hadn't thought of 2 Day in the Valley in a decade (not that I was missing it too much).

Chocolate and salty stuff is awesome. Maybe I'm the only one, but I could eat those damn chocolate and bacon bars until my heart exploded.

What do hardcore B&B fans think of that show? Back in the 90s as a big Beavis fan, I thought watching that show was anathema, but when one of my upper cable channels started showing reruns a few yrs ago, I thought it had some pretty funny moments too.

@Rabin: If that's sad, I don't ever wanna be happy. I can't believe how a 15-yr old cartoon still continues to fill my inner monologue on an almost daily basis. Everytime I see something awesome that I'd never thought of before, my mind immediately thinks, "Burritos? For Breakfast? Awesome!"

Seconded. When I first started watching, they seemed to be the weakest parts, but as I became more and more of a fan, I realized they really have the funniest lines. I still laugh out loud thinking about the one where Beavis sees a bike in a video, starts lamenting the fact that someone stole his, only to have BH at

I always found it amusing that Charisma turned 30 before Cordie graduated from HS.