The End of the World

@Max The candles may have been the saddest part, since the angel food cake is clearly not up to the task of supporting their weight.

This seems a lot like something my bipolar grandmother would make back when she was off her meds (sorry Grandma, I love you). Really, from the random combination of foods you find on the shelf right down to the addition of a completely nonsense theme. I don't have sound, but the video on its own was disturbingly

What do I look like, a sap? I want to see some ID on that.

Sorry, I only give that information out to Regular Guys.

SyFy? Srsly?

Dwight and Jim's exchange about Hotel Hell way back in Season 1 or 2 may be my favorite of those bits, the back-and-forth between them is perfect.

I've had not one, but two supervisors that remind me of Michael Scott (or rather, watching Michael Scott reminds me of them). Nice, nice guys, always friendly and upbeat, but with a kind of cluelessness that constantly irritated. It's always hard to describe the problem with them exactly; I just know they annoyed

I dragged some friends to see this at our university's cheap theater, just because I was taking French classes. It ended up being one of those awkward situations where you convince people they'll enjoy something new, and then they hate it. It made me want to apologize for misleading them, even though I liked the

I'm at work and can't listen—is there really a line about going out to eat two nights in a row? The comments have gotten so I can't tell which are the actual lyrics and which are sarcasm.

Perfect Tommy, I liked the Western theme, I just thought that they went overboard with it. It's the damn future, nobody needs to wear bonnets.

I loved the Chinese swearing, but the hyper-Western talk (and clothes, sometimes) did a lot to turn me off of Firefly. It always felt like they were taking the "space is the wild west" theme way too literally.

I was all ready to complain about "bage", but "Chief Orgasm" made me laugh too much to care.

Sawyer getting all mushy with Juliet was weird at first, but the more I think about it, I'm OK with it. They seemed so happy and cozy in their Dharma love-nest, it made the sight of Jack and scrawny Kate very depressing.

VEN, you and me both; it was right at that scene where the movie and Myers both lost the goodwill I'd built up from Austin Powers, and it's been nothing but downhill since.

Ellie, those are almost too good.

I don't think I've ever had any bad experience at a comic book store, but I can't help but feel a little out-of-place nonetheless. It's mainly the result of the prevalent (but fading) general attitude that comics are simply a dude thing. I sometimes wonder if it's the same kind of awkwardness that a guy feels

Majestyk, I read Watchmen once about 5 or so years ago, and I remember quite a bit about it, despite not really liking it that much. I can see why it's held in high regard, even if the Cold War stuff makes it a bit dated.



Having your wedding someplace haunted seems like a great idea, weddings are usually boring as fuck.