Its... The Spinach Inquisition

Please try a little harder next time. We have high standards for subtle sexual nuance at this site. For instance, "put his John Thomas beside the spine," or "between the covers". Cripes, I'm half-asleep and not even trying here.

As they fly over Boston they're going to dump ZMF's shackled body out the side for you to search for. It's like a scavenger hunt!

With a name like Sobchak, you know it's fail.

Well… well we didn't want to you to come to Ottawa anyway! We're happy by ourselves, and we're going to have a great birthday!

All right, staircar1. We'll let you off with a warning this time. But we're watching you.

Really? You think she's going to outlive all those other actors? Because I see a drunken car-crash in her future.

I am a master of the accidental success.

"You… do HAVE some cheese here, don't you?"

Actually, this was a mature woman's breast, and therefore implies the child-nuturing reflex, as well as the infant-feeding reflex. Americans are actually upset about being made to feel like they should immediately begins suckling, curl into a fetal position and drift off into dreamless sleep.

What I take away from this is that, based on the reaction, Americans do not get to see very many woman's breasts. And that is very sad.

That is a very confusing sentence.

Horsefellow is a curiosity to me. Does he think he's funny? I just don't get him.

Lt. Ashton Kutcher: "Sir, the enormous million-foot wall still prevents us from seeing the enemy, or from entering their waters. However, it does nothing to stop our rockets or torpedoes."
Cpt. Ben Affleck: "How about our sonar?"
Lt. Ashton Kutcher: "Well, we think we can trick it up so that we can hear an

That's not a monster thing, Tony. It's an unimaginative porno-star thing.

All of the folks from the Midwest I've met are so nice and reasonable. So where did all those Bush voters come from?

I think you're thinking of Soylent Green, Tax Code.

Ann Coulter has scary eyes. Honestly, they make my skin crawl. Can you imagine being close to her when she looks at you? (Shivers.)

Dear God, the public discourse makes my eyes bleed.

Is that last word 'respect'? Let me look more closely… huh! It is! How about that.

P4- the Moneymaker