Its... The Spinach Inquisition

Huh. I thought lung and skin cancer treatments were expensive. Now I know better.

Public speaking is Mooreman kryptonite.

You can only change your mind if you have one in the first place.

See? Discouraging.

Damn. Beaten by An Irrelevancy.

Wow, since jajajoose pointed out Mr. Moore is overweight, that has caused me to change my whole way of thinking. And hey! Barack Obama is black! That invalidates his opinions as well. And come to think of it, isn't Hillary Clinton a woman? Damn! I knew there was something I didn't trust about her.

Seems to work just fine for Rush, all of FOX news and the Republican party, doesn't it? The problem is that Republicans eat shit like that up with a spoon, while Democrats just don't seem to give a shit no matter what anyone says. I get why he's discouraged.

I will never understand all the Moore-hate among liberals. He donates generously to charity, fights for causes he belives in using non-violent means and stands up to some of the biggest crooks and hypocrites in America. And you make fun of his weight? What did you jerks do for your country today?

This is a phenomenon known as a person 'being liked'. It occurs sometimes when someone is talented, likeable or handsome. Try asking someone who possesses one of these qualities and they can tell you all about it.

Boring? Yes! Pointless?

I always thought he would make a better Peter Parker than Tobey Maguire.

If not the Sinister Six, I will also accept Scourge of the Underworld.

Carnage was profoundly lame, and all good-hearted people smiled quietly when he was ripped in half and thrown into the sun by the only marginally less lame Sentry.

They should just say 'screw it' and bring in the Sinister Six. No half-hour backstories, no complex motivations. The city is in danger because the Sinister Six is taking over, baby. Bring back Doctor Octapus, bring back Sandman, throw in Mysterio, Kraven, Electro and Vulture, shake well and serve. There's your

"…flaming companion" indeed.

Damn, DC! You're making it sound really entertaining!

Yeah, there's the biggest inconsistency. Where are the jokes? Spidey is always with the jokes, and in the movies, like one joke?!? Iron Man had more jokes. Listen Raimi, you're not doing it right! More jokes, man! More jokes!

teadoust: imagine how awful you'll feel now if ZMF actually kills himself. It'll be just like the Fisher King, with you as the remorseful ex-radio show host. Don't live with that kind of pain, man. Say you didn't mean it.

Spidey the Underwater Adventure-seeker!

Bender, that's a lot of people sucking 'it'. Maybe a few million too many?