Its... The Spinach Inquisition

My hundreds of cats have their orders. Nothing can reverse what has been put in motion this day. Soon we will have our revenge.

Sure seems like a lot of jerks play tennis…

She reminds me of my cat from when I was a kid. It slept in the sun a lot.

NEWS FLASH: Something halfway interesting finally happens at awards show!


Some black folks deserve to be mocked. Not to do so would be to treat them differently from all the white folks who deserve to be mocked. But rappers who buy silly jewellry are a pretty slow-moving target. Usually the AV Club tries a little harder.

What the heck? You're an 80s comedian who hates jews?!?

You people have computers, and some of you are old enough to be driving cars. Why are you wasting your time tormenting animals? Play a video game. Go watch a movie. Dumbasses.

It's almost as though Mr. Coppola… uh, I mean Cage, has connections in Hollywood that guarantee he keeps getting film roles regardless of his performance.

Sorority Row Row Row Your Boat

Anyone can make a mistake, Yeah. For instance, your mistake is being an enormous douche.

At this point, maybe she doesn't know what "Kurt Cobain" means.

"…the killer later modifies a tyre iron so it has four different weapons, including a knife and what appears to be a grappling hook, it also seems to fold up and on several occasions he does throw it like a ninja throwing star."

Frat boys deserve it more. The Ku Klux Klan started out as a fraternity… and so did the administration of George W. Bush!

I once gave blood for a cookie.

There's a great movie still to be made about the killer rampaging around, and then the cops are called and gun him down. See, that was always the part I liked. The bit where the cops show up and riddle the killer with lead. Of course, he gets up when the cop goes to check and kills the cop, which is lame. Just one

They already made a Transformers movie. It's called G-Force.

Hey! I'm trying to eat a sandwitch here!

It's not an either/or proposition, Mr. Kahn.