Its... The Spinach Inquisition

Their worst is still pretty good, though.

Yeah, that's the other thing! It's not just that sports is tangental to the subject, it's also that its utterly trivial! What the hell? This is a traumatized rape victim. Whicker's f*cking sports factoids have nothing to do with her, and even bringing them up in a context that touches on her ordeal is so

Even granting bad editorial oversight, I just can't get past how unbelievably wrong this was. A child would know better and there's really no excuse. And what the heck could he have been thinking when he was writing this? That's what really gets me. In what universe does he live where its appropriate to trivialize

Wow. That's just incredible. And then he tries to justify it.

Seriously, I bet if you caught Kurt after the correct round of medications had been administered, he would find this whole thing hilarious.

That's odd, Gravy Robber. I feel you getting stupider too.

How was it?

You shouldn't take advantage of a woman who is clearly unhappy and unwell.

teadoust: we can't win! Outrage is a cliche, indifference is a cliche… how about puppy-magnitude tail-wagging enthusiasm?

This is real text. I hope it ends welf.

It sounds like a lazy gimmick, frankly. Half the new shows on TV are probably based on off-hand comments some desperate producer saw on a message board, but who announces it to the world? People who think it'll be a hook, that's who.

Which in particular, Valkyries? I wouldn't want to make an embarrasing mistake.

I'm seeing Patton Oswalt as Nathan, and CGI Eddie Murphy as his wisecracking sleep-deprivation hallucination/talking computer sidekick.

Don't go, Eric Kahn! We need your oblique movie and song references here in the present!

Courtney Love is a rocker??!? Since when?

I'm sure she's a very nice person once you get to know her… despite all evidence and common sense to the contrary.

(Loudly) That's very interesting!

I'm sorry, no. You will have to be punished.

There's no all-powerful energy field that controls MY destiny.

Sprouts? HERESY!