Its... The Spinach Inquisition


ZMF: I think the source of your brain disorders might be a shortfall of tasty spinach in your diet.

You thought right.

Yes, chopped and grated cow, bone meal, hoof fragments, growth hormones, antibiotics and rat feces can be quickly transformed into rippling pecs with the addition of a cardio-workout routine.

You know what might spruce that sandwich… uh, wrap up a little? Some delicious spinach!

The hate so nice it speaks out twice.

"…an inarticulate string of phlegmatic vowel sounds…"

Some apparatus is required.

You know what book would make a great movie? The Krull movie adaptation.

Five bucks on Preparation Heche! He's got that figetty short-term junkie strength!

No, I can't resurrect the undead. The Pope forbids it.
No, they have been reanimated, not resurrected.
It counts as a resurrection if they come back Jesus-style.

Hey, that was funny. I thought there was a little bug or smudge on my monitor, and I reached up to brush it off, and it was your name, -!

The scene where he's asking to come back in with the noose hanging overhead is a highlight.

That was the problem in Spider-man too. Leave the damn mask on, Maguire!

Use Your Imagination Machine: your list is a mockery without the inclusion of Chris Tucker.

i like hot dogs: the problem is you have private health-care insurers. In a single payer system like in Canada and Sweden, all nurses are very fit and attractive. Maybe now some of you Republicans will jump the fence.

Wait, I thought he's sitting on the couch and the toilet is beside him in the living room. Let me just check my enormous 900-page ledger of Simpsons notes…
Yep, couch. You gotta be predator-drone accurate to post Simpsons quotes around here, AOTT.

df: David Simon is making an HBO series about the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. That will be amazing.

I met a socialist once. Very nice guy.

That… was awesome.