Mr. Holmes

Funny you say that, that's basically that Jeff Lemire is doing in the Green Arrow comic (though I'm not a fan of it).

The only problem is that all of Sherlock's cases are times where the Machine failed to deliver a number.

I saw that twist coming a mile away.

It was subtle? Really?

So weird, you gave A's to all these episodes I found to be lukewarm at best, and then this for an episode I actually enjoyed.

Yeah, but I think Ollie was intending to take the bullet himself.

I know, but they could have at least given him a fake name as mayor.

"angsty youngster" is so generic lol. I think you're love for Wally West is clouding your judgement. Barry is the original science geek superhero, preceding Peter Parker. They nailed him. He was hardly even angsty here.

That's what I was thinking, but then again Ollie still hallucinates Slade as a good guy.

Yeah but I'm also worried how they will handle it. I get the feeling he'll just blame Ollie for what happened to Shado and go full on supervillain from there.

Naming the mayor Sebastian Blood has to be camp. He's supposed to pretend to be a good guy, but his name already sounds so super-villain-y, it's hard to take the whole thing seriously.

I'm not seeing how Sarah lied, Shado's death was 100% on Ivo. Maybe Slade doesn't see it that way when he discovers how she died, but I'm not seeing any untruth in that scene.

I wish Grant Gustin was playing Peter Parker now.

It was alright, but definitely not A- material, at least IMO. Some decent humor, and the end reveal was sweet, but the show is overusing the surprise twist stories.

Disagree, I liked Season 8 a lot more than 7.

Did anyone else hate this version of Count Vertigo? He's annoying and a stupid version of Joker. I would have loved if they used the real Count Vertigo, who was more of a Bond villain. Seems like a missed opportunity here.

There were probably a ton of bodies they couldn't recover from the earthquake, so they probably assumed this was an instance of that.

Yeah Moriarity is exactly what crossed my mind in that scene. If these writers read a lot of comics, it wouldn't surprise me if they watch Sherlock (they probably watched Dr. Who to discover Barrowman anyhow).

I saw Malcom's return coming the moment Ra's Al Ghul was mentioned. I'm really conflicted as to whether this is actually good writing though, it's easy to be blinded by the comic book references.

Meh, I love Arrow but I dislike this comic book fanboy entitlement I see all the time on the internet, this "it has to pander to us readers or else it's crap" mentality.