Mr. Holmes

*Raises hand*

Was it really a choice though? She knows where the kid is, but Fusco?

LMAO, apparently we're getting a How I Met Your Dad spin-off. This can't be a joke?

Yeah I had a hard time finding this episode on the site, especially because the black and white image made this look like the kind of show it parodies as opposed to the show itself.

You mean that wasn't intentional, haha?

This is completely off-topic, but does anyone know where to check notifications on this new site layout?

I've been enjoying this season, but this episode was just dumb and unfunny. HIMYM usually straddles the line between charming/clever and goofy really well, but they went too much to the latter this time.

At one point, I thought he was breaking character for some reason, only to realize that was just how awkward the accent was.

It kind of was.

Hey if it gives the show revenue to put off cancellation, I won't complain.

Yeah, not a fan of the Ollie-Felicity sexual tension. It worked better to me as platonic.

She might give that routine to other people, but Barney asking clarification opened up to more conversation.

Freaking love Cranston. I got hints of Heisenberg when he tries to sound threatening, and then it just bows up into comedy. Just perfect.

Okay this episode really worked for me. I complained in the last episode discussion the show was losing its fun. Still happening here, but tapping into Neal's vulnerable side was really compelling. I remember asking myself back when I first started watching this show all those years ago if Neal is really reforming

"Detective" Lance should know Ollie is the hood, if was able to deduct that much about Sarah. I suppose he needs plausible deniability.

Hey does anyone here know how long it takes for CBS to post this show to their website? Usually I wait the next day anyway, but this time I'd like to watch as soon as it's up.

Does anyone remember when USA network shows used to be fun?

She really is the Lana of this show, though not nearly as bad…yet. Now that we have Sara I just can't give a damn about Laurel.

I'm always impressed how this show just tows the perfect balance between the comic bookiness of say the Marvel films, and the grounded tone of the Nolan Batman films. Or I guess you could compare it to Agents of Shield and Person of Interest for TV shows. Of course the writing is hokey in places, as are some of the

Wow the show only gets better and better.