Mr. Holmes

This is really, really thin I know, but I think the idea is that that guy didn't see who punched him.

Yeah but this is a TV show, not comics, so it's much harder to suspend belief.

I don't read comics anymore, but I still wish they hadn't named this character Helena Bertinelli.

Yeah that got resolved way more cleanly than it should have.

Pretty underwhelming for the penultimate episode, though at least the Barney/Robin drama is finally done. Hopefully the finale will focus on Ted and the Mother, and hopefully the Mother isn't dead…would really ruin the whole show IMO.

Eh. Hannibal has really fantastic acting, but I haven't been impressed by much else. Then again, I've never been that much into gore porn and serial killer fiction. True Detective has some of that stuff, but I find it much more compelling because of it's fantastic character journeys of the two main characters.

This episode must be really bad if Donna gave it a B, haha.

As someone who has lost touch with so many old friends, this episode hit close to home.

Josh Radnor made this episode. Everything from "MOOOSY BOYS" to sitting their with that goofily smug face to the detective stuff had me laughing hard.

So discussing opinions is being an asshole? I guess that's a convenient shield.

Yeah a few of us have been saying this all along. The whole thing is really, really thin. On one hand, yes, the Mirukuru can explain all of this as warping his head. So logically, it works. But as a result, the tragedy is much less. Slade's turn to evil ultimately has very little to do with Shado and more to do

True Detective is the best show on TV by the longest shot.

Slade is kind of a thin character, just hopelessly deranged and deluded, but this episode was flawless. Manu Bennet is a monster.

I can't stand Big 3 network shows (I gave up on Elementary even though that show is well liked and I'm a Sherlock Holmes fan), but I love this show. It has a procedural aspect in some ways, but it has an overarching science fiction mythology and conspiracy. And it's really relevant to the current age we live in.

true, I had wiped that show from memory.

Solid filler episode, would give it a B+. Missed this show being on the air. Although there were a few contrivances, like Finch getting the video from the webcam, and the fact that Fusco just happened to be working on the same case.

He kind of reminds me of Todd from Breaking Bad so far.

Yeah that second half of Season 5 was just a let down on every level. It felt as if AMC cancelled the show and they were just rushing to wrap everything up. Breaking Bad had a reputation for showing every grit along the way, never cutting corners. But then once Walt became the kingpin, the gets out in a forced way,

Well he can only go down from here, so I'm definitely expecting that.

lol Calm down, I don't have any power at WB, it's just my opinion.