Mr. Holmes

I think Larry only went fully rogue after he faked his death.  Before that he was like Michael, but slightly more inclined to becoming the monster he became.

Right now I'm not inclined to give Graceland another chance, but second seasons usually refine and improve in writing.  We shall see.

How lame is it that Mike gets his lead on Briggs because it was accidentally dropped to him? The writing on this show is just not very good, IMO.

And it looks like they renewed the show just a couple days ago.

Whoa, so you guys came back to this show after all?

"Well, here it is, in one of the series’ very few true cliffhanger endings, the kind where, when we come back next week, we’re likely to pick up the story at the same moment it cut to black on us this week. "

I've been thinking the same with how unsustainable the characters are long-term, but it's hard to believe a show would actually be intended that way.

Common Law.

Is it safe to assume this is getting cancelled?  Normally renewals are announced a week before the season ends.

The writing got more creative after season 1.

Anyway, still digging this show.  It's not as comedic as the first season that made me love the show, but it's still full of heart and way better than Season 2.  It's about the same tone as White Collar now, which works.

Oh my god, did anyone else glimpse Rachel in the next week teaser?

Still, it's a good thing that she still is a good character and not defined as Mike's girlfriend.

Best episode of the last two seasons by far.

I didn't catch that, but even knowing that explanation now it's hard to buy that.

What I don't get is why Briggs had to hide the corpse.  He was attacked by who he thought was Jangles, right? 

This episode was awful.  Last episode had a great twist, but this ruined it.  Graceland crew is getting suspicious of Briggs not because he's slipping up, but because he's doing things to avoid getting caught that naturally arouse suspicion. That makes me wonder how the hell Briggs was getting away with it in the

Just sayin, when I click a tab called books, I don't expect 90% of it to be about comics.

What's with the Book section of this site being dominated by comic books over novels?

Really disappointing.  This movie looked so good.