Mr. Holmes

Yeah I'm with you there.  I actually find it interesting to see them become more dick-ish.  There is a GoT-like element that I find compelling.  It's not as fun as last season, the showrunners have clearly decided on a different direction, but I like it.

I still think that the way Louis has become likable and Harvey has become more unlikable is a major point of where the show is going, and I think it's interesting.

Spot on.  I thought Harvey becoming a douche was the point of the show though, he's really being driven over the edge.  They had been putting him on this path since Season 2 at least.

Yep I'm with you guys.  I really expected Mike to turn down Harvey for Louis…at least for a little while.  What we got here was a little lame.

Yeah it's a flimsy premise. Initially it worked as a story of redemption, Mike getting his shit together. But once that story ended, it's hard to really go anywhere with it until the show finally ends.

Analysis is spot on, Carrie. I think I would have given this a higher rating because it really revitalized this show, after I thought I might quit with that Season finale.

Really?  Johns's Sinestro is "soley designed by his desire to rape, murder, and pillage everything in sight?"  Bullshit.  He's been made into one of the more complex super-villains in comics with a sympathetic motivation (even if ultimately misguided, like Magneto).

Meh, I think it's an interesting idea.  But doesn't this mean that Ted will marry her after only knowing her for a couple days?

Yeah can't argue with that.  I just hope they manage to keep the quality high without their best actor.

Yeah even as a Who-fan, I never really cared for his Captain Jack character, and I couldn't stand Torchwood after the first couple episodes. He seemed kind of a cliche sexy super-agent.  But it's clear that has more to do with Russel T Davies than Barrowman.

Don't have any complaints, very good finale.

This book is going to be fantastic.  I'm not a fan of Scott Snyder's James Gordon Jr, but I can't argue with how good he was presented here.  Sitting in the chair, he evoked a twisted version of his sister as Oracle.  In fact it was Ostrander's SS that came up with Oracle.

A satisfying finale.  I'm glad they didn't try too hard to do something "shocking" and instead just set out to elegantly wrap up and explain the plots and mysteries.

He also looked like Josh Brolin in MiB3.

The new Suicide Squad creative team looks very promising.

Vibe in theory could be an interesting, off-kilter book.  The problem is that they put bland writers on it.  The character deals with crazy, extradimensional science and the likes, why not put a real sci-fi writer on it?

1). Of course not, Mark Millar is just interested in making movie pitches, not actually using the medium to its potential.  He's basically become the anti-Morrison.

Quietly might not draw pretty faces like Jim Lee, but he is the best storyteller in American comics, innovative as hell.  Gary Frank is great but he only wishes to compare.

If you love Secret Six, you need to pick up Suicide Squad #20.

Stormwatch just tells us that Jim Starlin loves forcing square pegs into round holes.