Klaus Kinski

I love Homer's tour of the billboards.
"Clown college?! Pshh, you can't eat that."

Also, "her bikini bottom which was riding up her buttocks and leaving much of her lower buttocks hanging out of the bikini bottomā€¦bending over while backed upped to a man's penis and giggling her buttock up against his penis" is without a doubt the best sentence I've read today

The handwringing at Cyrus' overtly sexual performance cracks me up. The performance was mostly just bad- weak choreography and little to no singing

"Likeā€¦.what if the Nazis won WWII?" - every high school writer ever

"Don't see how you can be offended-you just laugh."
Well, when the jokes aren't funny, all you are left with is dated references and offensive statements with the rhythm and tone of a joke. I guess "don't think about it too much" does work for much of the viewing population

"Covered with crisps and tears" is my natural habitat

I'm sure this topic will be dealt with respectfully and with restraint

Aging stars only remind the world that no matter how many boxing matches you win, no matter how many presidents daughters you save, no matter how many first bloods you draw, life is but a slow descent into darkness and human growth hormones

I'd rather he implant a VHS in my abdomen

I heard he hangs dong

why/how did this get made?
and a follow up question, is Gervais actively trying to use up all of his good will from The Office and Extras?

The 'glimpse into Bart's depressing future' plot was already done perfectly in Lisa's Wedding:

"Next week: there is no next week."

Kim: You guys, I killed Millie's dog.
Ken: Like, with your bare hands?

"Mmhmm, well guess what. You're Larry Bird."
"That's okay, because Larry Bird is an excellent player."

That doesn't really char my tree..

They write scripts for these movies? I thought they just gave Johnny Depp a jug of rum and some gypsy accessories and edit the CGI squidfaces in post

FIRST of all, interne the arbour from your eye! Jesus tears his shirt off, kneels in front of the first one he saw and gives his dusty feet a wash with his shirt. I am not your superstar

All is Lost: Robert Redford on a boat for 90 minutes

Yikes. Not necessarily.
When comedians walk off, they should refund the ticket holders