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    Apparently someone is burned out on sarcasm.

    The FCC only regulates broadcast networks. Content on cable and satellite networks is generally not regulated by the government.

    I can't believe they got 'TBA' for two shows!

    Not that it makes it a much more inventive title, but I thought that the "4:20" episode title referred not just to the episode number, but was also a reference to the plot centering around a "smoker". Don't you think?

    It's "For the Longest Time, by William Joel"
    I'm looking forward to Amelie's contribution to The Office. When I catch myself thinking, "Wow, this episode has a lot of material about how awful Gwyneth Paltrow is", I'll know why.

    Amelie Gilette Retires
    I'm assuming it's because you want to spend more time hating your family.

    He was from Van Halen, right?
    I don't know what town he's from. Anyway, apparently he's some sort of musician.

    Michael Keaton in the Batman movies.

    Yeah, I know what you're thinking. . .
    What could be stranger than a big, fat-ass floating cupcake?


    Leaked List of Possible Double Entendres from 9/11 Themed 2 1/2 Men
    "Twin Towers" (expanded variant: "I'd like to fly my plane into her twin towers.")

    More like faux-mous.

    Not so. I thought the same thing when I visted the website after reading this, but when you actually select the dvd/sketch combo the item is listed as 'unavailable'.

    Michael Bay
    This comment that was attributed to Michael Bay makes less and less sense the more I think about it. It's obviously not the case that Transformers 2 was suffering from any kind of marketing under-exposure. Yet, according to this story, there are people out there who meet the following attributes: 1) Huge

    "I can't believe I threw up on James Caan."
    "I can't believe he just laughed it off."
    "I can't believe he didn't punch me."
    "I can't believe he DID punch me."

    What makes you tick?
    I have cats.

    You've got the life that I want!

    A night to remember. . .
    Oh to be a fly on the wall during the inevitable piano showdown between William Joel and Christopher Martin. Trying to decide the winner of such an epic battle would be like trying to choose my favorite shade of beige.

    I thought he looked like a bad Mario Lopez action figure.

    True Grits
    These are the original grits from that movie, True Grits.