
> It’s a complicated perspective that most cis genre fans haven’t encountered.

I don't think the woman in a yellow dress was a hallucination, I thought it was just a random secretary Pete was leering at because he's Pete. And I don't think the slow-motion is supposed to be subjective to the character, it was just stylistic. Jeez.


Borgen is very much an episodic, crisis-of-the-week show with a bunch of arcs running through the background. There's a tendency for secondary characters to appear in the background for weeks and weeks, then get a spotlight episode. The subplots with Birgitte's family, Kasper and Katrine advance more gradually

Solidarity (Which is the far-left party) also has a female leader, Anne-Sophie Lidenkrone, though she hasn't been introduced yet, I think.

Or, let's be totally honest here, Adam Driver.

Or, let's be totally honest here, Adam Driver.

It's not like he's Ryan Gosling or anything.

It's not like he's Ryan Gosling or anything.

This is the same "handsome movie star" Patrick Wilson whose most notable roles include an aging, schlubby super-hero and an terrified pedophile?

This is the same "handsome movie star" Patrick Wilson whose most notable roles include an aging, schlubby super-hero and an terrified pedophile?

It's telling that I can't tell which of Adam's weird things you're talking about.

It's telling that I can't tell which of Adam's weird things you're talking about.

I'm pretty sure the song's placement in the episode was meant to be cheesy.

I'm pretty sure the song's placement in the episode was meant to be cheesy.

Given we spent most of season one watching the man's pendulous breasts, I wasn't.

Given we spent most of season one watching the man's pendulous breasts, I wasn't.

Todd, you are a gentleman and a scholar and you should just transition full-time to reviewing AV Club comments.

Todd, you are a gentleman and a scholar and you should just transition full-time to reviewing AV Club comments.

Well that was a supposedly interesting review I'll never read again.