The characters in Girls are in no way meant to be seen as underprivileged. Quite the opposite if anything.
The characters in Girls are in no way meant to be seen as underprivileged. Quite the opposite if anything.
Badass Peggy is the best Peggy.
Don Draper eating out Lena Dunham. I think I had a dream like that once.
I liked this because I, too, nerd out about The Decemberists and probably could do with getting laid.
He and his girlfriend broke up amicably at the end of it, after they extended it to three months.
This is a weird sensation, but I'm almost as excited about the other two shows as I am about Game of Thrones. Armando Ianucci, Lena Durham and Julia Louis-Dreyfus are all people whose work I enjoy.
I think this was a pretty successful episode, and it accomplished everything that a season premiere is supposed to - it reintroduced all the characters, it reminded us of what's good about the show, and it suggested ways in which this season might be different from the others. It didn't make it to the gold standard of…
Yeah, that joke didn't go over well with me either.
I still don't understand what the fuck dubstep is supposed to be. Is this what being old feels like?
And the whole spiel about him coming to the beach alone when he was a kid. His kid asks if he can do that, and he just answers "yes," flatly.
Apropos and punny, but I find that the comma innovation is really unwarranted in a "cool story bro" remark. I give this comment an A-.
Give us a link, will ya?
They basically shot the whole thing as though it was your typical drunken-buddies-end-up-fucking type scenario, and the reason it works so well is that you recognise that situation and you can see all the things leading up to it (Helping her take off her shoes because she's too drunk to do it, etcetera) but the…
It makes sense in the context that people tend to be cheerfully hypocritical when things are going well, but fear for their immortal souls when things are going badly. Turning to insane-o Catholicism is Margaret's way of coping with the crisis situation, even if it does make her character very irritating.
Octavian fucked his sister. Although in Rome it's treated more in terms of "You fucked your sister? You really shouldn't do that!" and that somehow manages to make it only mildly uncomfortable, even if Octavian looked a lot like a 12-year-old and his sister was a voracious lesbite.
Maybe he's hoping to catch her on the polio rebound.
Penny Johnson's character is the way she is to be a foil for the late Captain Montgomery. I think it seems evident that the plan is to mellow her out but the writers haven't gotten to it yet.
Indeed, ending up going to the same party as the venerable CIA spook who's been probing you about how your fellow Marine's death was faked is a regular occurrence in Pacific Northwest hipster circles.
Lift them up to the hay loft, then push them down?
At this point, I would recalibrate the scale, give Andrea -10,000, and give everyone else a 10 for managing not to shoot at Daryl this week.